Hello friends, it's been about a month or so since I have been on here, I'm trying to do better for you guys!! It's been a hell of two months and I am not complaining.
I want to take time to thank my new followers and existing ones for keeping up with me!. lol. I wish nothing but the best for each and every one of you.
As you all know or may have read(hopefully been following me), I finished the one-room challenge and was ecstatic to see that I was one of the features in the apartment therapy articles. I literally did not know until I saw my phone blowing up with notifications. I was like, what is going on... Still clueless all day, I was happy to see that people started following me and noticing my work. I then realized, hmmm let me check out the apartment therapy website to see what was going on, BOOM!!! I saw my bathroom...
When I say people from different parts of the world, I mean all over! India, Canada, Japan, Central America, and of course, the US!!! the list goes on. I was overjoyed. To actually see something that I created for the first time in publication and people taking notice, was something that I needed.
Listen, I say all this to say, It's never too late to do what you love and love what you do. I held back for years and now I am starting to break through and do what I love. I've always been a person who listens and follows the rules and it hindered me from my passion. I don't mean to go break the law(there's a difference). I mean, you don't have to always color inside the lines or stay in that box just to be unhappy in the end. There will be naysayers and negativity but you cannot let that stop you. I have been doing that my whole life and now with the support and a clear vision, I am ready to take on the world!!!
My friends, do what you love! Go get that promotion, start that business, get your man! lol. whatever it is, don't waste time on bad juju and negative energy!!! Keep pushing and keep thriving for what you want because, in the end, you will only have yourself to blame!
So, my friends, let's go out there and paint the world!! Open your minds and your hearts to endless possibilities and never be afraid to show your true self!!! Until next time, be true and stay weird!!!!!
